
The cladding of a conveyor pulley

The cladding of a conveyor pulley At Stokman we have been supplying very high quality conveyor belt pulleys and conveyor belt rollers for heavy and medium duty bulk transport for many years. The pulleys that leave our production site in Raamsdonksveer are almost all clad in rubber. In this article we will discuss the advantages…

Design and production of Stokman pulleys

Design and production of Stokman pulleys Would you like to know how your new Stokman pulley is made? In this blog, we will explain! The pulleys in your system are essential for the reliability of the installation. We will produce them with great care in our factory in Raamsdonksveer. In this blog we describe the…

Conveyor pulleys: The design

Conveyor pulleys: The design Stokman stands for high quality. How do we achieve this high quality? Of course, the application of the right technologies and the skill of our craftsmen are very important. In addition to people and technology, the materials and design of our conveyor pulleys are also essential to our quality. In this…

Different types and functions of conveyor pulleys

Different types and functions of conveyor pulleys What do you know about our conveyor pulleys? Stokman produces various pulleys for different functions and positions in the conveyor system. In this blog we will tell you about our 5 types of pulleys: the drive pulley, return pulley, tension pulley, deflection pulley and snub pulley. We tell…

Heavy-duty conveyor belt rollers in the mining industry

Heavy-duty conveyor belt rollers in the mining industry What factors determine the success of bulk transport in the mining industry? Heavy-duty transport in the mining industry is characterised by the environment that puts people and machines to the test. We therefore believe that success is determined by three factors, namely product durability, innovations and the…

1986: The birth of the best conveyor belt roller ever, a journey of years across multiple continents.

1986: The birth of the best conveyor belt roller ever, a journey of years across multiple continents. In 1986, Jan Stokman, the 3rd generation in the family business, started to focus on an interesting growth market, that of heavy-duty bulk handling. Soon, the first major order was signed for the delivery and installation of conveyor…

Conveyor rollers covered with polyurethane – durability

Conveyor rollers covered with polyurethane – durability In 2018, Stokman was approached by a customer who operated a dredger. The problem was that the tubes of the lower rollers worn away too quickly. A high-quality conveyor belt roller is a requirement for these types of vessels because they operate in the most severe conditions, such…

Stokman: for top quality medium-duty conveyor rollers

What is the difference between medium-duty and heavy-duty conveyor rollers? The difference is not, as you might think, the material, but the wall thickness and the sealing of the conveyor rollers. This makes the medium-duty conveyor roller the perfect roller for sectors such as waste processing, biomass and manufacturing. Stokman’s many years of experience in…

Conveyor belt roller on duty for at least 29 years!

Conveyor belt roller on duty for at least 29 years! Stokman is the equivalent to quality.  Over the past decades, we have been able to produce millions of conveyor belt rollers of the highest quality. And we continue to do so today. Each roller is very durable and finds its way to medium and heavy…

The importance of the drive pulley in a conveyor belt system

The importance of the drive pulley in a conveyor belt system How is a conveyor belt driven? The simple answer is: the electrically or hydraulically powered drive pulley. In this blog, we will take a closer look at how the conveyor belt and the pulley that drives the belt work. We will also look at…